美国基因泰克 Genentech
1976年4月7日,科莱勒·帕金斯(Kleiner Perkins)公司(一家风险投资公司)的合伙人、27岁的罗伯特·斯万森与加州大学的生化学家、DNA重组领域的奠基人、1976年诺贝尔奖金获得者赫伯·玻伊尔(Herbert Boyer)教授创建了基因泰克。公司最初的启动资金是斯万森的私人积蓄2.6 万美元.斯万森从科莱勒·帕金斯公司争取了10万美元作为公司研究开发启动经费,作为回报,科莱勒·帕金斯公司将持有基因泰克25%的股份。9个月以后,另一家风险资本公司向基因泰克投资85万美元,持股25%。与上一次注资相比,每股价格从12.5美分上涨到78美分,公司估价上涨至337万美元。此时基因泰克的产品还在试验之中,人们对它能否取得成功普遍持怀疑态度。
在基因泰克的资助下,Rituxan应用于早期淋巴瘤患者的临床试验得到了满意的结果,并于1997年获得FDA的批准,用于早期淋巴瘤的治疗。现在,Rituxan已成为美国最畅销的药品,它专门作用于一种特殊的白细胞,这种白细胞会导致非霍杰金淋巴瘤。此外,Rituxan的毒副作用较小。2003年Rituxan的销售额达16.1亿美元。基因泰克和Biogen(此时IDEC已并入Biogen)公司共享Rituxan的美国市场,而罗氏除了在日本与Zenyaku Kogyo公司分享市场外,还在全球其他地方独家享有Rituxan的经营权。Rituxan问世以来,全球超过30万名患者接受了Rituxan的治疗。
在2003年,基因泰克还上市了与Tanox公司开发的哮喘治疗药抗IgE抗体柯耐尔(Xolair,omalizumab)和与Xoma公司开发的银屑病治疗药Raptiva(efalizumab),两种药物都取得了不俗的成绩。目前基因泰克正在与合作伙伴OSIP公司进行非小细胞肺癌治疗药他西卫(Tarceva,erlotinib HCL)的上市准备。
为了实现成为全球第一大肿瘤药制药公司的目标,基因泰克中止了长效重组人生长激素Nutroppin Deptot的研究,专注于Avastin等肿瘤药物的研究和开发上。基因泰克是最早成立的生物技术制药企业,也最早开发出生物技术药品。
Genentech was founded more than 30 years ago, in 1976, by the late venture capitalist Robert A. Swanson and the biochemist Dr. Herbert W. Boyer. In the early 1970s, Boyer and geneticist Stanley Cohen pioneered a new scientific field called recombinant DNA technology. Upon learning about this development, Swanson placed a call to Boyer and requested a meeting. Boyer agreed to give the young entrepreneur 10 minutes of his time. Swanson's enthusiasm for the technology and his faith in its commercial potential were contagious, and the meeting extended from 10 minutes to three hours; by its conclusion, Genentech was born. Though Swanson and Boyer faced skepticism from both the academic and business communities, they forged ahead with their idea.
The company's goal was to develop a new generation of therapeutics created from genetically engineered copies of naturally occurring molecules important in human health and disease. Within a few short years, Genentech scientists proved it was possible to make medicines by splicing genes into fast-growing bacteria that produced therapeutic proteins. Today Genentech continues to use genetic engineering techniques and advanced technologies to develop medicines that address significant unmet needs and provide clinical benefits to millions of patients worldwide.
In March 2009, Genentech became a member of the Roche Group. As part of their merger agreement, Roche and Genentech combined their pharmaceutical operations in the United States. Genentech's South San Francisco campus now serves as the headquarters for Roche pharmaceutical operations in the United States. Genentech Research and Early Development operates as an independent center within Roche.
Genentech Inc., a portmanteau of Genetic Engineering Technology, Inc., is a biotechnology corporation, which was founded in 1976 by venture capitalist Robert A. Swanson and biochemist Dr. Herbert Boyer.[1][2] It is considered to have founded the biotechnology industry.[1][2] One of its founders, Boyer, is considered to be a pioneer in the field of recombinant DNA technology. In 1973, Boyer and his colleague Stanley Norman Cohen demonstrated that restriction enzymes could be used as "scissors" to cut DNA fragments of interest from one source, to be ligated into a similarly cut plasmid vector. While Cohen returned to the laboratory in academia,[1] Swanson contacted Boyer[3] to found the company.[1] Boyer worked with Arthur Riggs and Keiichi Itakura from the Beckman Research Institute, and the group became the first to successfully express a human gene in bacteria when they produced the hormone somatostatin in 1977. David Goeddel and Dennis Kleid were then added to the group, and contributed to its success with synthetic human insulin in 1978.
As of March 2008, Genentech employed more than 11,000 people and Arthur D. Levinson was the chairman and CEO.[4] The Swiss pharmaceutical conglomerate Hoffmann-La Roche now completely owns Genentech after completing its purchase on 26 March 2009 for approximately $46.8 billion.[5][6]