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澳大利亚 . ResMed




澳大利亚瑞思迈Resmed  www.resmed.com
瑞思迈(ResMed)集团是世界著名的睡眠呼吸设备专业制造公司,其业务主要集中于睡眠、呼吸疾患的诊断及治疗产品领域,全球首台睡眠呼吸机的发明者沙利文教授(Dr.Colin Sulivan)正是本公司最早的创始人之一。瑞思迈旗下汇集了全球睡眠医学权威作为医疗顾问团的成员,保证产品通过严谨的临床测试,并不断开发及研制新技术和新产品。经过多年的研究与发展,瑞思迈现在已经拥有超过400项技术专利及100多项的设计专利,力求协助每一位患者改善睡眠质量,重获优质的新生活。
瑞思迈(ResMed)集团是一个跨国集团,成立于1989年,是在美国纽约和澳大利亚的上市公司。瑞思迈在美国、日本、澳大利亚、英国、德国、新西兰、瑞典、新加坡等18个国家设有分公司,在全球超过65个国家和地区设有代理及售后服务机构,为当地市民提供服务。产品包括无创呼吸机、急救转运呼吸机、多功能呼吸机和梦幻系列面罩、沙利文系列单水平CPAP呼吸机、VPAP系列双水平呼吸机、CS系列变压双水平呼吸机、AUTOSET思必锐全自动调压呼吸机、Apnealink初筛诊断仪,同时,在家用及医院用有创呼吸机也拥有Saime VS系列多功能呼吸机及Saime Elisee系列呼吸治疗平台。

+86 10 67786887 
+86 10 67780887 

上海市陕西北路1438号财富时代大厦622-623室 200060
+86 21 62761558 
+86 21 62761058-804 

广州市越秀区建设六马路33号宜安广场1202室 510060
+86 20 83644892 
+86 20 83644981-108 

ResMed is a leading respiratory medical device manufacturer, specializing in products for the diagnosis and treatment of sleep disordered breathing (SDB).
When ResMed was formed in 1989, its primary purpose was to commercialize a device for treating obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a major subset of SDB. Developed in 1981 by Professor Colin Sullivan and colleagues at the University of Sydney, nasal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) provided the first successful noninvasive treatment of OSA. Since 1989, ResMed has maintained its focus on SDB, which is gaining greater public and physician awareness.
Innovation has played a major role in ResMed's success. Since the company's founding in 1989, a large number of product advancements and improvements designed to increase patient comfort and encourage compliance with therapy have been developed. Feedback from patients and specialists around the world is used to produce products that meet the different market needs. At the end of June 1999, the Company had a total of 186 patents issued and pending for a range of technologies.